This is a pop gem from Matt Pond PA. They're the kind of band that's criminally underappreciated. This particular track is an iTunes only download, a special 4 song EP deal that they did for the rapidly consuming mega super legal download (but you've gotta have an iPod, but really who in their right mind doesn't) music store. It reminds me alot of XTC and even the Go-Betweens. The rest of the songs are quite good as well. As I understand it this song isn't entirely representative of the Matt Pond PA catalog, which is bit mellower. Evidently, until recently he only did shows seated with an acoustic guitar and his band. He recently discarded the chair. I'm sure that it was traumatic for any number of fans who quickly shook their hands and mumbled under their breath, "Man, you've changed." I'm not a die hard fan enough to really care. I just like this song a whole lot.
Bars & Guitars
This is about music. Music that I like and music that I think other people should like. I've got little regard for boundaries, but I love a good pop song. I listen for melody and hook. I listen for sincerity. I listen for both history and vision. I listen for what makes me shake my head and say, "I gotta hear that again."
The intent of this blog is to make you interested in seeking out and buying the music you find here. Please do so. If you are the owner of a sound file and don't want it up please email me and it will be removed immediately. Please do not link to any of the files.Links
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2007 Best Of Running List
Apostle of Hustle - National Anthem Of Nowhere
Manchester Orchestra - I'm Like A Virgin Losing A Child
Bill Callahan - Woke On A Whaleheart
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
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Monday, October 04, 2004
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