Random Stuff but also Madness...
Do you remember Madness? Sure, you do. You remember "Our House" if nothing else. But for me Madness was, at one time in my life, everything. As I look back on it now I realize that Madness is/was the foundation of my existence as one that listens to music. I know that sounds a bit hyperbolic, but if it wasn't for Madness I would be a very different music lover. Those Nutty Boys from North London were my avenue into "alt" or "indie" or "whatever" music. While it may not seem as such today, back in High School listening to "One Step Beyond" was decidedly out of the mainstream. Anyways, Madness has new album of covers out that I've reviewed for Pop Matters. I've also realized that I hate reading my writing. Yech. It's a fun record but not earth stopping, nothing from youth ever is.
The new Minus Story is available. It's a damn good, idiosyncratic record. I've also reviewed No Rest For Ghosts. Did I mention I hate my writing.
Also noted this AM:
Both the new My Morning Jacket and Broken Social Scene are really good. I know, I know I'm an indie rock slut, but c'mon those records deserve their praise. In particular My Morning Jacket's Z is far better than the reviews that it's getting.
The good folks at Turn Records have announced their holiday show. It's December 9th at San Francisco's Bottom Of The Hill and will feature Thee More Shallows, The Dying Californian, Dealership and Calling All Monsters. Great line up, good label, go support. I'll see you there if not before.
1 song from Madness new The Dangermen Sessions Vol. 1. It's good to touch the past.
You Keep Me Hanging On - a Supremes cover.
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