A post a day, 5 days a week that's the goal here. Not overly ambitious I know, but ya gotta start somewhere. Todays little nugget of goodness is from Calexico. The band is primarily Joey Burns and John Convertino surrounded by a revolving assortment of musicians. As a back up band Joey and John have done great stuff with Giant Sand and, for a little awhile, Richard Buckner. I saw them both play as Calexico and back up Buckner (circa Devotion and Doubt) about 8 years ago at San Francisco's Bottom Of The Hill. Great show. This track is taken from their recent EP Convict Pool. The song here is a cover originally written and performed by Brian Maclean of Love. Although the original version begs a band like Calexico to cover it, what with the originals spanish guitars and horns, it's still amazing to me how Calexico is able to make the song uniquely their own. It's not just the overriding tex/mex tone crossed with indie rock vocals that the boys employ so well. It's the fact that you could here this song blaring out of La Rondalle in the Mission as easily as at Zeitgeist. It's done that well. As always if you dig it, you should buy it. I mean, it's an EP it's not that expensive. Buy It
Bars & Guitars
This is about music. Music that I like and music that I think other people should like. I've got little regard for boundaries, but I love a good pop song. I listen for melody and hook. I listen for sincerity. I listen for both history and vision. I listen for what makes me shake my head and say, "I gotta hear that again."
The intent of this blog is to make you interested in seeking out and buying the music you find here. Please do so. If you are the owner of a sound file and don't want it up please email me and it will be removed immediately. Please do not link to any of the files.Links
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2007 Best Of Running List
Apostle of Hustle - National Anthem Of Nowhere
Manchester Orchestra - I'm Like A Virgin Losing A Child
Bill Callahan - Woke On A Whaleheart
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
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Tuesday, October 05, 2004
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