And Now For Something Completely Different...
Man, what a beautiful day in Northern California. Just a tease of spring, i'm sure we've got some days of rain yet, but still. I've been listening to some good stuff: the new South San Gabrielle, new record from The National and a couple of others. But I'm going to save those for later this week. Today it's all about the visual. I've included some links to a number of cool videos to look at. It's amazing how much innovative and/or cool stuff is going on outside of mainstream MTV and VH1. Not only are the videos cool but the songs are pretty great. Check out Antville for a collection of lots and lots of videos. It's kinda like a video blog. Some of the links are predictably large so be patient.
Bloc Party - Helicopter
Basement Jaxx - Oh My Gosh (you'll need Realplayer, but the video's great)
Fischerspooner - Just Let Go
Go! Team - Ladyflash
The Streets - Blinded By The Light
The Arcade Fire - Wake Up
Also if you're in the SF Bay Area there are some killer shows coming up. Make the scene if you can, these'll be good. Tell 'em Bars & Guitars sent you and you'll get nothing but a strange look.
Bloc Party plays Popscene @ 330 Ritch. I think it's safe to say that you'll never see this band at such in intimate venue again. Ever. Unless you're stinkin' rich.
Check April 30th and you'll Magnolia Electric Co. playing with Court and Spark. This will be fine. Already got the tix.
Scroll down and note the upcoming Decemberists/Okkervil River Show. I got my tix for this one too.
don't delay too long, I'm doing a National post soon myself :)
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