Sin Ropas...
I wrote about Sin Ropas quite a while back. Their album Trickboxes On The Pony Line is as fine an album as you're likely to hear. It's a twisted country/pop album only 8 songs in length but packed with so much power that it makes you step back from the speakers. I've been thinking and listening to Sin Ropas alot because I've pondering the idea of a category of music called "psych-folk" or "countridelic" or, well, you get the idea. I've been listening to Phosphorescent, Sin Ropas, and Lowlights a lot lately and what catches my ear is how these bands take the notion of traditional country music or Americana and kind of turn it on its ear. All three of those bands have this wonderful way of taking traditional song structure and sounds doing something that just totally takes you away from what's expected, be it a found sound, a reverb laden feedback heavy guitar, the crackle of vinyl, a toy piano, etc. It's sound that's just been captivating me lately. I think it goes back to my love of Sparklehorse and the twisted things he did with his songs.
Anyway if you've never checked out Sin Ropas you really should. Trick Boxes on the Pony L:ine is a uniformly excellent record. They've got lots of mp3s on their site. You can order it HERE
1 song from Trick Boxes on the Pony L:ine:
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