Burnside Project...
More music from New York. Burnside Project does a good job of straddling alot of different genres. For those of us with musical ADD this can be very helpful. Sometimes they sound like everything that VHS Or Beta could've been had they followed up that EP with a better record. At other times they definitely sound like they're jumping on the dance punk bandwagon that The Rapture and !!! helped define. Of course, they're about a year and a half late if that's the tip they're on. Fortunately their relentless four on the floor beats get tempered by a really nice pop sensibility that makes their album The Finest Example Is You both danceable and listenable. The band's starting to get some attention but for the moment they still have the warm fuzzy feeling of a secret no one else (outside of NY) knows about. The Finest Example Is You may start changing that.
2 bouncy tracks to make your weekend prep go smooth:
And So It Goes
One To One
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