Super XX Man...
Super XX Man is Scott Garred. It's as simple as that. Hailing from Oregon with a keyboard, ukele, guitar, and wife (at least I think she's his wife) in tow Super XX Man will roll into San Francisco's Rock-It Room on August. 27th. Unfortunately he probably won't be greeted by a screaming throng of music loving fans who obsess over his clever word play and gentle way with melody. Garred was a founding member and principle songwriter in the late great Silver Scooter, a band that produced consistently excellent guitar pop.
In the guise of Super XX Man Garred, a music therapist by vocation, creates gentle acoustic compositions that have an underlying tinge of emotional subversion. What else do you make of a lyrical statement like "and I don't want to be married" sung over a gentle acoustic guitar and a keyboard played by his wife? While Silver Scooter was a more rocking rollicking affair, Garred approach with Super XX Man is decidedly more low key. Don't be fooled into thinking that by turning the volume down Garred has lost a lick of his talent with a melody or lyric, he's simply asking the listener to pay a little more attention. Super XX Man is currently pushing X (that's like 10 not, you know, the letter, duh). Check out Garred and company in San Francisco at The Rock It Room on the 27th if you're local. Otherwise check out the tunes. Very good.
from Super XX Man's X:
Garage Apartment
from Silver Scooter's The Blue Law:
Black Stars
This was lovely to rread
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