Happy New Year!!
Best Wishes for 2007 friends. Regularly posting again next week. Right now I'm going to get silly drunk and make fun of people I don't know. Be safe.
Best Wishes for 2007 friends. Regularly posting again next week. Right now I'm going to get silly drunk and make fun of people I don't know. Be safe.
Okay friends, here it is. The Bars & Guitars best of 2006. There almost seemed to be a glut of well done music this year which has made the list creation a chore. That should be a pleasure not a pain, but I don't think anything shined particularly brightly this year. Does that imply lots and lots of dim stars?
That would be a great name for a band, but instead it's just the post title. And don't get any ideas, if I ever learn to play an instrument with any kind of proficiency I got dibs on the name.
I am such a sucker for Owen's heart on the sleeve songs of love and break up. Every since I heard the song "In The Morning Before Work", I've been hooked. Sure it's emo without the bite, but Mike Kinsella (who is in fact %100 Owen) isn't trying to hop a craze or bite someone's style. He just wants to write pretty minor chord songs and emote with his half talk half sing voice that seems to issue quietly from him like air from the end of an antique bellows.
And about pissed myself as well. Every fine ho on my list is getting dick in a box this year. Yeah.
I've posted about Super XX Man before. In fact, I think it was just a few a months ago. But he released a new record last month on Hush Records called A Better Place and you can tell from its sound that things are a bit different in the super xx life. The big change is that Mr. Man is now a daddy. Believe me, I know how that rearranges the world view, and you can really hear it in these songs. Where as his last record X had a world view that was if not sinister than certainly cynical, odd jabs of discontentment that seemed aimed at his little woman, the new record seems very settled both lyrically and musically. The record is far more "folk" than X, less pop and minor chord storytelling. It definitely feels more of the bedroom lo-fi singer-songwriter variety. This style fits these songs well. When Mr. Man reveals his worries about bringing his child into a world both confused and uncertain, those sentiments are bouyed by a deceptively simple and very pretty melody. And Mr. Man (that's Scott Garred by the by) certainly knows his way around a melody. It's a good record: hopeful, wide eyed and a little wary.
P.G. Six is Pat Gubler and he's got a record forthcoming on Drag City. I received it in the US Post just a few days ago. In fact a few hours before I left for a weekend in the Sierra Foothills. I brough the CD with me knowing nothing about it, expecting nothing of it. I do, however, have a basic admiration for the Drag City label and faith that they wouldn't sign a band or a person that sucked ass. My faith is well placed.
I've been listening to Trainwreck Riders album Lonely Road Revival a lot lately. It's good, if a bit ragged, passionate alt-country-ish rock. Reminds me of common touch stones like Uncle Tupelo but also more classic rock stuff like CCR, Allman Brothers and even Hank Williams. Fun record that I do recommend.
These guys just slipped by me. No other explanation. Death Ships 2006 release Seeds Of Destruction came out in August of this year and I missed it. Just recently the record was brought to my attention as worthy of my consideration (picture me surrounded by CDs with my nose in the air acting all snooty). Here's the bio:
Obviously I'm currently totally out of ideas for post titles.