Archer Prewitt
In my opinion I've been listening to the best record to be released so far in 2005. Though it hasn't been released in US yet Archer Prewitt's Wilderness is salve for the soul. It's music of the highest quality. Slated for a release on January 25th Prewitt has become over his three solo albums the very definition of classic pop. On White Sky he layed the strings and large scale panoramic orchestration on thick. On Wilderness he scales things back a little but accents the proceedings with harmonica, vibes, pedal steel. This is music that was Top 40 once and I mean the Top 40 of Jimmy Webb and Burt Bacharach. It was to be loved and not mocked. While it's tough for any artist to keep up the level of excellence that transpires on Wilderness for an entire 11 songs, there is a 4 song run here (O, Ky, Go Away, Judy Judy, No More) that is as good musically as you're likely to hear. Of course, this won't find the widespread audience it deserves. It will be heard and treasured by a number that should be multiplied by 10 for every Jack Johnson or Dave Matthews record that is sold. If you're a fan of well written songs, romantic lyrics touched with melancholy, are a sucker for the perfect turn of phrase and a musical transition that makes you grin, you must BUY this record.
2 songs from Wilderness:
Go Away
Judy, Judy
This stuff is just amazing !
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