Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Panda Riot...

Okay, so lots of people send me links to their music. Sometimes that's really cool and sometimes it's a burden. I mean who am I to judge the quality of you squawking? So in truth most of the time I don't even bother listening. I don't have enough time or patience to sort through it all and, frankly, I'm not trying to be Joe Music Blogger and I don't want to be invited on Zune press junket or make money from advertising or make money selling links or songs or anything. I just want to tell you, dear reader, about the music I like and why and get some free Cds out of the deal. My aspirations are low. I already have a life.

So don't ask me why I clicked on the links in the email from Panda Riot. I don't know why I did because I don't like the name and the website comes up all funky in my browser with sentences running all over themselves causing me to squint and rub my eyes and wonder if I'm having the syntactical equivalent of an acid flashback. But click I did and the results of that lone click are pretty good. I'd describe Panda Riot as being of the shoe gaze family: what sounds to me like programmed beats, layers of fuzz heavy guitars, lilting lovely female vocals.

Check out: She Dares All Things

It's good enough to make me wonder how many good songs I've sent to the trash without knowing it.


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