Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Well, today's the day that Riviera releases their new album At The End of the American Century. This is very much music as part of the Americana or alt-country movement and I imagine that alot of critics will automatically point their fingers at Wilco as a clear starting point. While such a comparison may have validity I'm much more drawn to comparisons that place Riviera's sound closer to the country rock moments in The Rolling Stones catalog. There's a very honky tonk element to the bands sound. Lead singer and songwriter Derek Philips has a nice way with his lyrics. With the warm weather coming this record will be a perfect soundtrack to drinking beers on the porch. Go ahead and PURCHASE the record here. At The End of the American Century is what I call a "creeper". By that I mean that with each successive listen something new grabs you, it may not deliver an initial knock out punch but it just keeps coming and coming and coming.

2 songs from At The End of the American Century:

Your American Past

Ashes On The Moon

Also note that today Okkervil River's Black Sheep Boy is released today. This album is a 2005 top ten, must have, must hear.


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