Virtually not music related...
It'll be quiet around here for about 1 week. I'm off on vacation and have no intention of posting while i'm gone. I know you'll miss me terribly, but be patient for my return and we'll have lots of music to talk about I'm sure. A few things to think about in my absence:
1) Midlake. As I said The Trials of Van Occupanther is a fantastic album. I'll add one other reference point. Bread and America. Sounds cheesy, but don't let it put you off. I personally had a terrible soft spot for the easy listening pop of those bands. Still do. Midlake does something similar but better. Figure it out.
2) So the Warriors took another project. I'm sure Patrick O'Bryant will be a fine center in a few years, but he ain't gettin' us to the playoffs next year. Another draft with no impact player. Let's hope Mullin has a genius trade in the works that lands us Kevin Garnett.
3) I while back I wrote about a band called Office and their record Q&A. Guess what. That record is still great. My taste is impeccable. Give it a listen.
4) I have yet to hear an Arctic Monkey's song. I consider this to be an accomplishment on the order of the fact that I haven't seen the movie "Titanic' yet.
5) The Doc Octagon is pretty good. By that I mean some of it sleeps and some of it is great. Therefore = pretty good. "Ants" kills it.
Have a great 4th of July and try not to burn any hair of your body with ill advised run ins with Bottle Rockets. See you in a week.