One more time with Chad VanGaalen...
I posted a few tracks from Canada's Chad VanGaalen about a month ago and on the strength of those tracks I ordered his CD Infiniheart. Well that friggin' CD has been stuck in my cars CD player since it arrived. So I thought it was time to refresh the memories of those who perhaps have foolishly forgotten about how powerful Chad's music is or (more forgivably) simply missed that post. Chad VanGaalen is one of those bedroom savants. He holed up in his lo-fi bedroom studio and wrote hundreds of songs, 19 made it on to Infiniheart which is still a lot of songs. I'm the type that likes it short and sweet simply because I'm more often than not disappointed by an artist that ambitiously tries to give me quantity over quality. But there's not a bad song on the entire 1 hour running time of this CD. I can play the influence/similarity pointing game and say there's a parallel to Sparkle Horse, but that's selling Chad short because his sound is really very unique. HIs voice is reedy and thin but somehow it compliments the ethereal qualities of his songs. These are songs of heartbreak, sadness and carefully weighed decisions, while it is ponderous it is not suffocating. I'm giving you two of my favorites from Infiniheart. I'm told that Chad will have a more focused solo outing by summer. Looking forward to it, in the mean time you can PurchaseInfiniheart.
After The Afterlife
Blood Machine
Also for those of you who are curious about my other obsession (Andrew Bird - The Mysterious Production of Eggs) read my review over at Popmatters.
Thank you for posting these, as well as the songs from last month. He's incredible, and I'm hooked. "Blood Machine" is funny and sad and scary all at once.
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