I've got to admit that i've been a bit obsessed with Okkervil River lately. I've been listening to their Sleep And Wake Up Songs EP with a revolutionary fervor. Which of course leads me to go on lengthy internet searches for additional information about the band. During this latest round of Googlorosio (my term) I came across Misra Records. Actually I didn't come across Misra as much as I was pointed that way by my friend Dave Douglas who has toured with Centro-matic and will be heading out on the road shortly to tour with Subpop band Baptist Generals (Dave we're gonna miss ya). He hepped me to the band Shearwater which is a side project for the Okkervil River kids. Shearwater doesn't fall very far from the Okkervil River tree, but is much more a straight pop sound than the deliciously skewed perspective of Okkervil. Shearwater is shilling a new EP, but I've been listening to 2004's Winged Life from whence these songs were plucked. I'll spare you the whole ornithological explanation of Shearwater and primary songwriter Jonathan Meiburg's background as a bird lover. You can read it yourself.
3 Songs from Winged Life which can be purchased Here:
Whipping Boy
Wedding Bells Are Breaking Up That Old Gang Of Mine
The World in 1984
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