Sam Prekop...
Prekop gained a certain degree of indie fame as one of the main singer songwriters in the band Sea And Cake, which also includes the beloved Archer Prewitt. Prekop has just recently released his latest solo album entitled Who's Your New Professor and predictably it's a fine collection of jazz inflected pop songs. Unlike his Sea And Cake counterpart Archer Prewitt Prekop's compostions tend to be less in the vein of classic string and horn accented pop and more touching on themes of free flowing jazz lines rooted in a pop context. A song like "Dot Eye" closes with about a minute and a half of guitar noodling, "Neighbor to Neighbor" is a short 1:35 of piano, trumpet and light percussion.
Prekop's pedigree as a songwriter is pretty impecable so if you're apt to be put off by my references to his more jazz stylings don't be. His songwriting is accessible and light. Who's Your New Professor is a fine addition to Prekop's catalog.
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