One political note and one song...

Hey!! Stop what you're doing! You're not going to find that Arcade Fire live bootleg today, nor will you be stumbling across the b-side to "Hand In Glove", and there's no way you'll be finding that unreleased Pixies album. What you need to do is get ready to vote in the most important election of our lives. Figure out where your nearest polling place is and make sure you are registered. Tell your friends to vote, tell your enemies for that matter. But just vote.
Worried that you're not informed enough to vote? You're on the internet - the information is out there waiting for you. Not a U.S. citizen? Then please call or email all your American friends and make sure they plan on voting. Many artists/organizations are stepping up and helping with the Get Out the Vote campaign, and now so are many of us in the music blogging community.
Get out and vote peeps!! The campaign is almost over now it's time for us, as citizens, to do our part. VOTE!! VOTE!!
I now return you to your regularly scheduled tunes. I'm not on the political tip with todays post, it's just another sweet pop song from Dios, those southern california rascals. Buy the album it's full of Beach Boy like harmonies, sad quiet songs and upbeat sing-a-longs. The band gets a bit experimental at times with found noises and field recordings but even on those songs they return to a melodic anchor. This song is absolutely catchy, though not the best song on the album.
Starting Five
Remember, if you're undecided about the election there are plenty of resources on line to help you. See yesterdays post. Be an informed voter, not a sucker punk for the media. Think and vote!!